Communication Skills Training

Top Persuasive Speech Topics For 2021

Top Persuasive Speech Topics for 2021

Every student aims at getting good grades in academic assignments. However, for some students, writing an essay can be a daunting task. They feel anxious about the outcome and think that they may not be able to reach their academic goals. But, if you are confident enough, you can easily achieve academic success. To boost your confidence levels, you can consider engaging in confidence coaching sessions.

How to Select The Best Persuasive Speech Topic?

The success of your speech depends on the topic. If you choose an interesting topic, you will capture the attention of your audience. Here are some tips for choosing the best persuasive speech topics:

  • Choose topics that interest you.
  • Make sure your topic has enough information available.
  • Consider your audience’s interest.
  • Pick a topic that is not too broad or too narrow.

Effective Tips For Persuasive Speech and Essay

Before you start your speech, you need to organize your thoughts and craft a proper outline. A persuasive speech is all about delivering a convincing argument. Here are some tips:

  • Start with a hook to grab the audience’s attention.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Support your argument with facts and evidence.
  • Address counterarguments and refute them.
  • End with a strong conclusion.

100+ Persuasive Speech Topics

To help you kickstart your persuasive speech, here are some topics you can consider:

  1. Should schools require uniforms?
  2. Is the death penalty effective?
  3. Should athletes be paid less?
  4. Is climate change a real threat?
  5. Should animal testing be banned?
  6. Is homeschooling more effective than traditional schooling?
  7. Are standardized tests beneficial?
  8. Should endangered species be protected?
  9. Is social media bad for society?
  10. Should genetically modified foods be labeled?

Persuasive Speech Topics About Environment

The environment is a crucial topic that impacts us all. Here are some persuasive speech topics related to the environment:

  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Can renewable energy save the planet?
  • Is global warming a threat to humanity?
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Are electric cars the future of transportation?

Persuasive Speech Topics About Health

Health is another important topic for persuasive speeches. Here are some topics you can consider:

  • Should vaccination be mandatory?
  • Is the healthcare system broken?
  • Should the government regulate junk food?
  • Do vaccinations cause autism?
  • Is organic food better for health?

Other Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • Is social media making us less social?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Are zoos ethical?
  • Should animal testing be banned?

A Comprehensive Guide To Speech Course

Exploring the World of Speech Course

A speech course is a study program primarily designed to help students enhance their communication abilities, primarily focussing on public speaking. Not everyone is a natural-born speaker, and even those with inherent abilities can improve. A speech course helps in crafting well-structured speeches, helps in overcoming public speaking fear, and develops confidence.

Speech courses are essential in various fields, including business, politics, education, broadcast media, and more. Learning how to articulate thoughts effectively, convey messages, influence people, or express yourself confidently to a gathering are invaluable skills often honed in a speech course.

With the internet deeply integrated into our lives, the provision to take courses online has become a seamless aspect of learning. Consequently, the demand for online speech courses has been on the rise. A suitable example is the presentation skills online course.

The presentation skills online course empowers you with the necessary tools needed to pull off successful presentations. It teaches the art of speaking confidently, maintaining proper posture, facilitating audience engagement, managing anxiety, and using visuals effectively. Participants get to learn how to captivate audiences, hold attention, and deliver key messages effectively.

Thorough preparation for a speech or presentation is key. One crucial aspect covered in a presentation skills online course is speech writing. Participants learn to draft compelling speeches that resonate with their respective audiences.

Engaging with your audience is a powerful tool in public speaking, and the presentation skills online course provides various interactive strategies. Learning how to ask rhetorical questions, use humor, tell captivating stories, and use powerful language can draw your audience in and make your presentation more compelling.

Another important aspect of the presentation skills online course is learning to maintain composure. A speaker who can remain calm and composed, even when faced with unexpected difficulties, leaves a good impression on the audience. Training your mind to remain calm under pressure is an integral part of this course.

Body language is an essential segment of the presentation skills online course. Your posture, gesture, facial expressions, and eye contact significantly influence the listener’s perception. Mastering body language thus greatly boosts your overall presentation skills.

A challenging part of public speaking is dealing with stage fright or glossophobia. It is a common fear, often resulting in anxiety and nervousness. A presentation skills online course offers practical strategies to manage and eventually overcome this fear. These strategies include relaxation techniques, deep-breathing exercises, and visualization methods.

Lastly, a speech course isn’t complete without addressing feedback and improvement. A presentation skills online course offers the chance to evaluate your performance, learn from your mistakes, receive constructive feedback from experts, and continuously improve your skills. Rehearsals and video recording usage can be beneficial in self-evaluation.

Investing in a speech course, particularly a presentation skills online course, is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your professional and personal life. Remember: a successful speaker is not born overnight but is a result of constant learning, rigorous practice, and sincere passion.

How To Deliver A Good Speech

Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: How to Deliver a Good Speech

Public speaking is an art that can be mastered with practice, confidence and the right techniques. It involves expressing thoughts and ideas effectively in front of an audience, generating engagement and conveying messages in an impactful way. Be it a business presentation, a wedding toast or a motivational talk, a good speech always leaves a lasting impression. In this article, we explore how to deliver a good speech.

Firstly, knowing your audience is fundamental. Understanding their backgrounds, interests, and expectations helps in crafting a speech that caters to their needs and holds their attention. It also allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level, making your speech more relatable and engaging.

Next, organizing your ideas is crucial. A well-structured speech is easier to digest and follow. Start with a captivating introduction to grab the audience’s attention, then proceed with a detailed body with supporting points and evidence. Conclude with a strong and memorable ending that consolidates your key messages. Keep it coherent, concise and clear.

An element often overlooked is the ‘english accent & pronunciation‘. A clear and understandable accent enhances the effectiveness of your speech by ensuring your audience comprehends your message easily. Good pronunciation brings clarity to your words and adds credibility to your speech. While it’s not necessary to adopt a native English accent, aim for clear and correct pronunciation to avoid any miscommunication. Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to improving your accent and pronunciation.

Body language is another powerful tool in public speaking. A confident stance, good eye contact and expressive gestures convey confidence and credibility. Conversely, poor body language can distract your audience or cause misunderstandings. Be aware of your facial expressions, maintain an open posture and use hands naturally to enhance your verbal communication.

Inspiring speeches also tap into emotions. Storytelling is a proven way to evoke emotional responses and make your speech more memorable. Relate personal experiences, share inspirational stories or use humor appropriately to connect with your audience emotionally. Be genuine and show passion for your topic to inspire others.

Finally, competent speakers always prepare and rehearse thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with your content, anticipate potential questions and practice your speech multiple times. Rehearsing helps in reducing anxiety, timing your speech and improving your overall delivery. Don’t forget to seek feedback and make necessary adjustments for improvement.

In conclusion, delivering a good speech requires preparation, understanding of the audience, organization of ideas, mastery of body language and effective use of emotions. Never underrate the power of ‘english accent & pronunciation’, as it greatly enhances the effectiveness of your speech. Remember, great public speaking is a skill that anyone can learn and develop over time. So step out there and captivate your audience with your powerful speeches!

Voice Coaching &Amp; Vocal Skills To Enhance Your Personal Impact

Voice Coaching & Vocal Skills to Enhance Your Personal Impact by Liz BanksWhen used correctly the voice can be a powerful tool in most situations. Some simple, practical techniques from Skillstudio can help you make the most of your voice and get your point across with greater clarity and conviction.As tension can inhibit the voice’s power, the best starting point is a relaxed physical state. To reduce tension, try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, making the out breath as long as possible. Imagine the breath starting from your abdomen. As you breathe out, focus on releasing any tension. This will also encourage you to slow down. This is helpful when you first start to speak, when nerves are at their peak. Your posture helps to support your voice. Stand with your weight evenly balanced. If sitting, ensure that the small of your back is firmly in the back of the chair. Pace of delivery helps listeners to follow with ease. Most of us tend to speak too quickly, especially when nervous. The pause acts as a brake. Pausing for two to three seconds at the end of your first sentence allows you to collect your thoughts and control your pace, and gives listeners time to absorb what has been said. Emphasise the first word of a sentence and you will grab listeners’ attention. Emphasise the last and you will avoid running out of energy and tailing off. In many instances, a presenter has a message that they feel passionately about, but this fails to come across to the audience. What is missing is emphasis on the ‘power words’. Control of emphasis can be developed through simple exercises. Read aloud a poem or short piece of text, exaggerating the emphasis on certain words. Role-playing can be an effective means of developing greater energy and variety of tone. If your voice is naturally soft, encourage it to have more strength and conviction by imagining you are a politician giving a speech. If your tone is naturally strong or abrasive, imagine you are comforting a child, to promote a softer, more engaging tone. The key is to achieve greater variety. A strong voice that suddenly softens or a soft voice that is suddenly more emphatic can help to grab attention or win back an audience whose attention may have strayed. Developing your vocal skillsHere are five simple exercises to develop vocal skills: 1.To increase vocal stamina and energy, practise by reading aloud over the sound of the radio. 2.To gain greater control of emphasis, underline words to emphasise and practise exaggerating them. 3.To improve pronunciation of each syllable, exaggerate the words by drawing them out as much as possible. 4.Practise saying tongue twisters. Mouth them silently, exaggerating your mouth movements to warm up the face, or say them out loud to warm up the voice. 5.Practise aloud any difficult words or phrases by exaggerating the pronunciation of each syllable. About the author Liz Banks is a director and co founder of Skillstudio Limited, the UK based Presentation & Communication Skills training company.Skillstudio offer a range of public courses throughout the UK, including:- Presentation Skills (3 different levels) Communication Skills Body Language Awareness Vocal Impact Job Interview SkillsSkillstudio also offer 1-2-1 coaching and in-house training throughout the UK and Europe in: Presentation Skills Public Speaking Communication Skills Interview Technique Media Skills Assertiveness Body Language Awareness Chairperson Skills Facilitation Skills Telephone Technique Vocal Skills Accent Softening ElocutionFor more information on the voice coaching and other training offered by Skillstudio check their website at or call +44 (0)8456 444 150. You can find out more about our Vocal Impact workshop at while at you can read about our First Presentation Skills workshop.Article Source:


Airline Flight Attendant Grooming And Presentation.}

Airline Flight Attendant grooming and presentation.


Tom Reincke

Before you do anything about becoming an airline Flight Attendant, recognize that the first secret of any human interaction is that first impressions count. And that the first contact that you have with an airline Flight Attendant interviewer is the evidence that they will automatically and subconsciously use to form their first impression their first impression of you.

It is a consistently proven fact that a person’s impression of you is made within seconds and that impression quickly becomes their belief. And rightly or wrongly, once made it is extremely difficult to change their new found belief of you. In fact many would say impossible during the time constraint of a Flight Attendant interview.

It is critical that any impression you make is the one that you want to make, but be critically sure that your first impression is perfect.It means that any communication that you provide to become a Flight Attendant must be appropriate.

It will mean that any phone conversation you have is polite and politically correct. It will mean that your Flight Attendant resume will be free of spelling mistakes or grammar errors and it means that your grooming will be immaculate at your Flight Attendant interviews.

Further to your grooming is presentation. This includes how you carry your self, interact and even socialize with others. There is no excuse for less than immaculate grooming and perfect presentation.

To assess your presentation, take a look at you through another’s eyes. Do you like what you see, what you hear, what you touch, and even smell, and is it appropriate or suitable in fulfilling what is needed to become a Flight Attendant?

While everyone has the democratic right to adorn, bath and clothe their bodies in a manner and style of their own, their success at becoming a Flight Attendant will be determined at how well they fit the image that the airline portrays. And when it comes to your Flight Attendant interviews less than business standard presentation is not acceptable. That means no visible tattoos, visible body piercing or outlandish hair styles.


Certainly I would applaud you for your belief of self expression, but an airline employer doesn’t care about your self expression at your Flight Attendant interview or subsequently you if it doesn’t fit their image. Like it or not, an airline employers expected presentation standard maybe in stark contrast to yours.

The reality is however, that it is the respective airline employer’s standards that count when it comes to your chances of becoming a flight attendant.

So what are the grooming and presentation standards for men attending a Flight Attendant interview?

Yes, although this article is focused on the standards for male Flight Attendants, females will still benefit from much of the information. More specific information for women can be found at the Flight Attendant Secrets .com web site.

BODY: Do not wear bracelets, show tattoos or any body piercing. Period! Be sure that your hands are appropriately manicured which includes no chewed fingernails or cracked of flaky skin. Should you need to wear make up be sure that it is not visible. A cover stick or similar is acceptable. Non greasy moisturizer is also okay.

HAIR: Do not try to make a statement with an out of ‘normal’ hairstyle. Avoid radical hair styles like the wet look, a gelled flat or blown in the wind look. Only a professionally cut and clean style is acceptable. Product use should be used sparingly if needed for minimal control to achieve a complimentary natural look.

Remember, this is an airline Flight Attendant interview.Your hair should be no longer than your collar at the back and preferably above your ears on the side. Your fringe should be above your eyebrows and out of your face. Growing out colors or “abnormal colorings” should be ‘normalized’ and side burns should be trimmed and no longer than level with your middle ear. Beards or goatees are definitely not recommended and if you do sport a moustache then it must be trimmed and no longer than the corners of your mouth.

ATTIRE: Every airline has their corporate image that is predominantly displayed through their Flight Attendants. Some are casual while others are formal. Unless you can clearly identify what it is, or know what the recommended expectation of their Flight Attendant interview dress code is, then stick to immaculate presentation with a suit and tie.

Your interview attire should preferably be a Navy Blue Suit. A Black Suit can be your second choice but no other color should be worn! Suit fashions come and go from single to double breasted and back again. Simply wear the suit fashion of the day.

Your shirt should preferably be a white long sleeve collared shirt only. A cotton polyester mix is ideal and preferably no collar buttons. Your second color choice is light blue only. Approximately 1 to 1.5 cm maximum length of your shirt cuff should show at your wrists with your suit jacket on and your arms by your side.

Your pants should provide for a business belt and this should be black leather with silver or gold buckle. No big buckles, gimmicky studs or engravings.

Ties are very individual but be sure that it complements your suit color and complexion. If in doubt seek professional help or stay moderate. A classy tie however is a class statement. It is naturally a central focus so do take the time to get it right. Stay clear of outlandish flamboyant colors or floral designs, animals and gaudy patterns. Knitted ties are best left for Grandpa. And like suits, the fashion for tie knots comes and goes from School Boy knot to Windsor. While it is acceptable to wear a School Boy knot, a Windsor knot is the preferred. It is always centered, square, even, and looks professional.

Your footwear should be black and lace up. No boots. They must be brilliantly clean with no scuffed or worn heals.Socks should be black or navy blue and knee length nylon cotton mix. Long socks avoid showing any shin skin when seated. No patterned, motive or explorer socks!

ACCESSORIES: Your wrist watch should be dress standard only. Nothing gimmicky, worn or non-business like. Finger adornment is a maximum of one ring per hand. Ring finger or dress finger only. (Females slightly different)Contacts or sight glasses can be worn but fashion sun glasses cannot. Do not wear your eyewear with a string or necklace. Do not store your sun glasses that you wear to your Flight Attendant interview on your head!

Be sure that all accessories such as mobile phones, pens or wallets in pockets are not visible or noticeable. Your Flight Attendant interview documents along with your phone, wallet and other necessities should ideally be carried in a smart leather attach or slim brief case.

Be sure your hygiene is washed and clean. This also means gentle use of deodorant and if preferred, after shave also.

Putting all this together for your Flight Attendant interview can be a challenge. However now that you know it, there really is no excuse for less than immaculate grooming and perfect presentation.

Certainly dress standards change regularly and often over time, but immaculate, conservative and stylish presentation for your airline Flight Attendant interviews never will.

Tom Reincke has enjoyed an airline career for more than 16 years both domestically and internationally. Having been a Flight Attendant Cabin Manager for 7 years and a regular participant in Flight Attendant interviews, Tom has written a complete insiders guide on how to become a Flight Attendant which is available at:

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Airline Flight Attendant grooming and presentation.}

Fix Your I Pod

Submitted by: Stuartuh Cox

Fix your iPod

Now the Ipod device is 1 the greatest devices of this generation, and it does some fantastic points, plays music, audio books, videos, films, games, and retailers your pictures. Its as close to an almost everything product that we presently have, and each and every 12 months when they release a new 1 and each yr it just gets greater, but there is an additional side of this gadget that most individuals don’t feel about when their at their local electronics store buying the Ipod device. This is truth that these iPods as good as they are, even now do break from time to time, and you will then be in the position of needing to Fix your iPod. Now when it will come to repairing your Ipod nano there are choices out there, and acquiring your Ipod device fixed is a whole lot simpler than you might assume.


There are many excellent businesses on the web that are capable to Fix your iPod. To discover several of these organizations all you will need to do is go to Google and lookup the term “Fix your iPod” If you do this there ought to be several organizations that are identified that are ready to aid you in your pursuit of the fixing of your Ipod device.

Most of these organizations will provide a couple of solutions when it will come to staying able to Fix your iPod. The very first answer most of these fix services provide is a professional installation choice. This would suggest that you would require to mail your Ipod device off to them, they would then diagnose it, and arrive up with a fix price and let you know what the expense will be. They would then give you the selection if you want to Fix your iPod or not. There is an additional choice most of these organizations provide this would be the choice to self-diagnose your personal Ipod nano, that would imply that you require to know exactly what is wrong with it, then with the details you get from your self-diagnosis you then would have to have to purchase the element that you would need to Fix your iPod, and then they would ship the element to you and let you set up it oneself, you generally can discover guides on the internet that will inform you on how to put in the parts oneself, so if you have any technical knowledge this may possibly be your ideal and lowest price wager. When it will come to getting ready to Fix your iPod, don’t forget you have two options when you are outside your guarantee with Apple or when the warranty does cover the restore that you will need. You can add the new component required your self, or you can mail your Ipod nano off to a Ipod nano restore facility that will professionally put in the element for you and they will be capable to guarantee that your Ipod device will function correctly right after the set up, I would say this is the safest wager out there, and then you do not will need to be concerned about any injury to your Ipod, when you are attempting to repair it.

Fix your iPod info

About the Author: Repaired thousands of iPod and Zunes, and has repaired many other small electronic devices.



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